Thursday, July 12, 2012

Instagram this wedding!

Calling all social media types and smart phone havers:

We're loving the photo-sharing service Instagram, and we encourage you to check it out and upload your Alaska photos with #odysseytohomer

Andrea has set the bar high with a shot of a momma with two baby moose nibbling on the grass in her back yard!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Countdown!

Less than two weeks to go!

We are so excited for you guys to get to Alaska so the wedding festivities can begin!  We've been working hard to prepare for your time in Homer and are more than happy to answer any questions you have.  Note that Andrea is already in Alaska (training moose to pose for pictures with wedding guests, I think) and I'm in NYC until July 14.  Email us at and one of us will be sure to get back to you promptly. 

North to the future!

Friday, March 23, 2012


For those of you considering bring children or babies on your odyssey, we have some local friends who would be happy to help us arrange babysitting while you're there. Please let us know, and we'll put you in touch!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Welcome to Our Website!

Thank you for visiting our wedding website! We've lovingly prepared a lot of information to help you plan your own Odyssey to Homer so please take a look around. Don't hesitate to contact us with questions and remember that booking early is crucial. We're super excited to see you in Alaska!

Love, Jeff & Andrea